SW Legacy RP groups

The purpose of this page is to provide a small history of each group, the Jedi are very well known, the Sith are not which is why they have much space dedicated to them, one thing I must note, the history on this page DOES NOT equall the history in our role play, if you get to them you can use handles such as Ulic-QelDrom, Nomi Sunrider, even Darth Vader.  We have an open time line in this Rp, any charecter that is in Star Wars movies, books, comics or what not can be used, OR you can make your own charecter as out line in the guide which you will find a link to on the main page

For over 1000 Generations the Jedi were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Jeid of note from that time include Odan Urr, Arca Jeth, Vodo Siosk Baas, Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma. Untill Emperor Palpatine founded his tyranical rule and the Jedi were all but wiped out.  Several Jedi Masters, including Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi went into hideing to await the time when this order would be recreated, the time has come at last with the defeat of the Empire at the hands of the Rebellion,  the new generation of Jedi have come into the galaxy, under the leadership of Luke Skywalker.


The Sith were brought into being millenia ago, a Jedi Knight named Grendel Tiberon, struck down his apprentice when anger at his own failures over took him, the power he discovered was immense and he quickly undertook its study, the Jedi council however forbade this, but conducting his studies in secret they continued and his knowledge and power grew.  Over time, he gained followers, the group studying the dark arts found there numbers swelling to over 50 members, then the Great Schisim occured, and these people were cast away,  some were killed or thought to be killed in the fighting includeing Grendel.  The Dark Jedi traveled for weeks befor they stumbled across a system of planets and on those planets a primitave race of people who called them selves, The Sith.  Useing there powers the Dark Jedi appeared as gods to this primitave race and soon there entire species came under the Dark Jedi's rule, and from that day on they were forever known from that time on as THE SITH.  The Republic thought the sith were gone forever, never to see them again, untill one day two young Republic citizens Gav and Jori Daragon, who had recently found them selves orphaned then imprisioned, made an escape, takeing there ship and entering a random hyperspace vector they discovered the Sith planets and soon, the Republic found its self under the attack of a Dark Lord of the Sith named Naga Sadow, who was an expert at sith alchamey. Miracoulously Naga Sadow was defeated and he fled into exile again, this time chooseing the planet Yavin 4 to build upon.  Many years later a young Jedi named Exar Kun, set out to study The Sith, and study them he did, soon he found him self under the sway of the Dark Side and it took control of him, he made his way to Yavin 4 and found the remnants of Naga Sadows empire, he then remade it into his own, and proclaimed him self Dark Lord of the Sith.  Allying with UlicQel-Droma who was the leader of the Krath Exar attacked the Republic seeking to take it for his own, he almost suceded, and were it not for Ulic betraying him he just might have suceded, fleeing to Yavin 4 Exar performed a ritual, to escape the fate that surely was awaiting him, he gatherd all of the sith people he could, and took there lives to transfer his life essence into the force stream, so that he became a perminate resident of Yavin 4 in a hibernation untill the day he would awaken.  Other notable Sith in history Darth Sidious, Darth Maul, Emperor Palpatine, and of course, the feared and vaunted Darth Vader.

The New Republic is now the strong foundation that was once the Rebel Alliance, after gaining there victory over the Galatic Empire at the Battle of Endor, leaders such as Princess Leia Organa, Mon Mothma, Admiral Ackbar, and of course Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, set about establishing the government, now that peace and justice had at last been returned to the galaxy...or so they thought.  Countless challenges and hurtles have been place in the way of the New Republic, some how it manages to stay on its feet, the now Chief of State Leia Organa Solo does a remarkable job in the government her leadership over the years has saved the New Republic countless times, and no doubt will continue to do so again.

When Senetor Palpatine of Naboo effectively wormed his way into leadership of the Galatic Senate with his promises of change for the better, no one suspected that this event would usher in the darkest era the galaxy had ever known.  Proclaiming him self Emperor and with the aid of Darth Vader, Palpatine led a dark tide of change across the face of the galaxy, the Jedi were all but wiped out or sent into hideing, planets began submiting to his tyranical rule as his massive millitary was constructed and employed  and soon the entire galaxy was his.  The Rebel Alliance changed that, strikeing from hidden bases they begin to win small victories over the Galactic Empire, the Empire sought to end this quickly with the completion of the DEATH STAR, a super weapon of unimaginable power and terror, Palpatine sought to destroy the Rebellion in one swift stroke if the Empire could discover the location of the hidden rebel base, after capturing Princess