T1 fighting rules  

First of all there will be differant rules for attacking people applied to the differant groups: First, Sith can attack anyone at anytime for no particular reason, it is in the Siths nature to destroy life and therefor they do not need a reason to attack anyone, Jedi need a reason to attack someone weither it be in self defense or in defense of another person a VALID reason must exist, or what is called "a dark side point" will be gained, your jedi charecter for attacking someone needlessly will now be somewhat of the darkside maybe not all the way and they can still act for good, but severe temptations will be next to impossible to overcome as Yoda put it "Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destony" Imperials and NR people, well your guidlines are a little less strict, you can attack if you feal it nessecary, I put the strict restrictions on the Jedi cause that is there nature to preserve, not destroy. Bounty Hunters and the likes which will be on here eventually, there rules are the same as  the NR and the GE they can attack if they feal nessecary, but a somewhat valid reason will still be appreciated, now on to the main battle rules

T1 Story(this is the ONLY accepted fighting form, this is T1 only any T2 will be voided on the spot)  

T1 story is simple enough, it is turn based, one person makes a post with an attack, then the person being attacked makes a post with a defense and a counter attack or counter move(all though the counter move is optional), and so on and so forth untill the battle ends. This is where GOOD Rping comes into play. Don't do impossible dodges. (I.E. Flipping into rafters, or twisting to impossible angles) In a technical standpoint, all T1 Story attacks should be at least 8 words in length, which describe the attack well. Dodging, moving position, and even taking hits should be the same way. Rping sense is needed.

An Autohit is an action that states the attack as well as the result in one line. For example: "Autohitting_Scum swings his sword, cutting Innocent_Bystander's head right off."

T1 Speed 

This style is much like T1 Story, except that the attacks are not as long and detailed. This style goes by much quicker and leaves more to the imagination for the two Rpers. However, arguments can get started easily over this style. But this style is just as good as T1 Story, and is legal in Star Wars Legacy.

Previous T1 Styles such as Hybrid, or any other style that just overloaded opponents with attacks are ILLEGAL.

The format of T1 

Here is what T1 basically is, and here is examples of what it means. Apply what is here with the rules above.
Step One: Positions
Determine your position relative to your opponent. Simply state an action: "Kellindil stands up slowly, eyeing the vampire from across the room." This way, both you and your opponent, as well as any bystanders know where and where not to be. It also gives both of you the time to manuever closer to each other or to some cover.
Step Two: The Attack
Once you and your opponent are in striking range, which may differ depending on weapons used, one or the other may give an attack. And please, for the sake of RPing, give at least a five word attack line. Instead of the "Type Turk" attacks: "Kellindil slashes at him." This makes no sense, who is "him?" Where are you slashing? The more descriptive your attacks are, the better the fight will turn out. So, use at least five words per attack and be descriptive.
Step Three: Defense
After one or the other opponent has made an attack, the defender gets a chance to do one of three things: Dodge the attack, block the attack, or take the hit. Again, give at least five words per block or dodge, and for the sake of anything holy, stay away from one word dodges. If the attacker give an action that is rather large, and you just use "Ducks" it makes you look like and idiot and will most likely piss off your opponent. If he/she went to the trouble of giving a colorful attack and you just "duck," it's a grave insult to them (Well, at least to me). So use more than five words per dodge, as you have all the time in the world.
Step Four: Counterattacks
In this step, the defender has a chance to give a counterattack. The defender should always be given this possibility, unless it is totally impossible for the defender to give a counterattack. The defender then takes this step to try and remove himself from his situation.
Step Five: Rinse and repeat if necessary
The process starts over until the fight is concluded.