     Sith Rune Magic Lesson Two 
      This lesson was written by Dark Lord Foe Raker Gilkane
This to my knowledge is how rune structures are formed, this may change when we come to better understand Sith Rune Magic. 

This lesson will help you understand which properties of a Sith Runes are applied, when a Rune is in a certain position in a rune structure. Below you can see all the positions that are used in a rune structure. 

1. We will first start with the Central Rune position. This position determines what the basic concept of the rune structure is, such as will this be a healing, killing..etc spell. 
We will use the Bizor Rune's properties as an example(Remember properties were discused in lesson one). This applies to all runes, not just the Bizor Rune. 
 The Bizor Rune: Rune of Death  
                Force: Dark Side  
                State: Physical  
                Traits:Find, discover,reveal  
                Power: Medium  
                Direction: Matriarch  
The only properties of a rune that apply to the Central Rune are Traits
= Traits 

2. The next rune position we will use is the Patriarch, the properties that apply to this are Power, Direction and Traits(See Lesson One). 

 = Power + Direction + Traits  
These are the only properties that apply to the Patriarch position.  A rune that is placed in the Patriarch position must have a Direction of Patriarch

3. The properties that apply to the Matriarch position are Power, Direction and Traits(See Lesson One). 
= Power +  Direction + Traits  
These are the only properties that apply to the Matriarch position.  A rune that is placed in the Matriarch position must have a Direction of Matriarch.  

4. Now we come to the Master Rune, the properties that apply to it are State
 =  State 
This is the only property that applies to the Master Rune, it determines the runes structure's State, is it physical or spiritual. 

5. The properties that apply to the Dark Side position, are Force. 
  = Force  
 The property that applies to the Dark Side, determines if the Force used in the rune structure is drawn from the Light Side or the Dark Side of the Force. 
6. The Light Side position's properties are Power. 
 = Power  
The property of  Power applies to the Light Side position, this determines the over all power of the rune structure(weak,medium,strong). 

7. The last position that we will learn is the Head Rune. This position's properties are Traits. 
= Traits  
The properties that apply to the Head Rune re-enforce to the properties of the Central Rune. 
1. Example: Central Rune= Traits(heal) so the Head Runes traits should reflect the Central Rune's traits, so the trait of repair works..Head Rune=Traits(repair). 

This concludes Lesson Two. Lesson Three we will learn to apply the properties of a rune to a specific position in a rune structure and create a simple rune structure(Formula)