Alter and Sense Powers of the Force  

1. Dim Other's Senses ((Jedi, DJ, Sith))
Using this power, a Force User can use the Force to dim, or lessen, the effectiveness of the senses of another being.

Median Level.

2. Force Shield, Lesser ((Jedi, DJ, Sith))
Using this power, a Force User can erect around himself a weak telekinetic barrier that will block light Force attacks and slow-moving projectiles.

Median, 3 Prep.

3. Force Wind ((ALL))
Using this power, a Force User can use the Force to summon up a small wind, or gust of air, and send it at a foe, or use it for some other purpose.

Media Level.

4. Induce Sleep ((Jedi,DJ,Sith))
Using this power, a Force User can induce sleep in another being.

Median Level.

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