The Force

The force is what gives a jedi his powers, its an energy feild created by all living things, it surrounds us, it penetrates us it binds the galaxy togather-ObiWan Kenobi to Luke Skywalker


The Force is the ulitmate power of the universe, a relaitionship with the Force is made possible through the midi chlorians, a small life form that has a symbiotic relationship with our blood cell's.  The higher the number of midi chlorians, the stronger the connection to the force.  To gain use in the force one must quiet there mind so they might best hear the will of the midi chlorians speaking to there mind Qui-Gon Jinn put it best:

Anakin Skywalker: "Can I ask you something?" The Jedi Master nodded "What are midi chlorians?"

Qui-Gon Jinn:" Midi Chlorians are microscopic life forms that reside within the cells of all living things and communicate with the force."

Anakin:" They live inside of me?"

Qui Gon: "In your cells, we are symbionts with the midi cholorians"

Anakin:" Symbi-whats?"

Qui-Gon:" Symbionts. Life forms living togather for mutual advantage.  Without the midi-cholorians, life could not exist, and we would have no knowledge of the force. Our midi chlorians continually speak to us, Annie, telling us the will of the force"

Anakin:" They do!"

Qui-Gon:" When you learn to quiet your mind, you will hear them speaking to you."

Anakin:" I dont understand."

Qui-Gon: With time and training you will
(Novelazation of the Phantom Menace written by Terry Brooks)

So as you can see, the midi cholrians are what makes the force, and even life its self possible, when you hear mention of the midi chlorian count it is not certain if the number given is the exact number for the entire body or just found in one cell patern, my belife it is in one cell, considering that only a small blood sample was given to ObiWan and Anakins count came out to 20,000, so that leads me to belive the count is per cell, but that is only my opinion.   Everyone posses midi cholorians that much is certain, but only possesing a higher number of midi chlorians will allow you to go through force training,  the common belife is that one must posses a midi cholorian count of at least 8000 to go through force training, it is possible for someone with a count lower then that to get force training but it is harder and takes more time and training and the sensetivity to the force wont be near as high, so it is offten not worth the effort, as failure is common and frustraition and anger can typically result from failure, makeing someone open to the dark side of the force. Now there is a differance between the Light Side and the Dark Side, Lightsiders use the force, Dark Siders CONTROL the force, the dark side is not more powerful to quote Yoda it is "Faster, more sucutive" but due to the emmotions the Dark Siders allow to go into there force skills, they have powers of a highly destructive nature, while the Jedi powers are used for things like knowledge, defense and healing.


Below you will find a list of the force powers available to you. Each group has differant powers they can control but many are the same, you will note the Jedi have very few powers used for attack, and the Sith have very few powers related to healing or helping others, this is common sense, would Darth Maul take time to go and heal a little sick boy? I think not, odds are he would kill the little sick boy, Luke Skywalker on the other hand would travel across the galaxy to help one person, that is the nature of things, the way of the force.
The Powers will be described in this format:

1 --The Name of the Power.

2 -- ((The Orders which can use this power -- Jedi, Sith,  or Dark Jedi

3 -- The Description of the Power

4 -- The Levels which can use this power. ((And the number of Preps Required to use it, if applicable))

The Levels are Normal, Median, Advanced, and Ultimate.
Normal Powers can be used by all Rankings, from Padawan to Master to Council Member or DLOS.

Median Powers can be used by Padawans Nearing Knighthood or Warrior, all the way up the scale.

Advanced Powers can be used by the greatest of Jedi Knights or Sith Warriors and up.

Ultimate Powers can only be used by the Greatest Masters and Council Members.


Select the power you want to use  Pretty self explanitory you pick the power you want to use in battle and make sure you are of the skill level to be able to use this power (I will be maintaing a list of who is who and at what level in the force and it will be posted so if someone who claims to be Lord kills you with Force Lightning and it turns out they are only apprentinces, the death will be voided)

Prep the force power for use  This one can be a bit confusing for the first time role player, to prep the force means you make posts drawing on the force power you need to use this ability a proper force prep is demonstrated below:

*Sith Master Bate-r begins drawing upon the dark side of the force calling out to the ultimate power of the galaxy seeking to draw it to his command, feeding on the dark side power as it comes to him he allows it to well up with in him, filling a resivoir of dark energy for his use*

Now that wasnt a top quality prep post but it conveys the message effectivly I hope, preps must be at least one sentance. Also one rule I am establishing here and now mulit post's while they are acceptable in this role play, it is one post=one prep, no matter how many paragraphs go into it, so remeber that rule one post=one prep, this rule may be alterd as the role play goes along, but for now to keep it a more level playing feild this rule will stand.

Ways to get more preps out of your posts  Now I know some of you are looking at this and going ooh ooh tell me more tell me more well I plan on it, but some of you are probably going to be a little disapointed as the ways I will refer to are typically only available to advanced force users but I will list them below

Runes These are carvings actually made on the body, this is a SITH technique, these carvings are imbued with certain dark side properties, inhancing the abilitys of the person they are carved onto. The rule is Add one additional prep per post if you have runes carved

Amulets There are lots of differant amulets out there, but the ones that will help your preps are amulets concentraition and ensnarment, now typically I have not seen Jedi have amulets, but I will allow them to have amulets in this role play, but they will be a certain kind of amulets, a word of caution, Ensnarement amultets are for the dark side only, they are called ensnarement amulets for one reason only, they instantly ensnare who ever or what ever comes into contact with them, in the dark side of the force, so even if you are the strongest of jedi, you touch this amulet, you are going to be overwhelmed in the darkside and either die or turn to the dark side the rule for amulets is One additional prep per post if you have an amulet of ensnarement or concentraition

There are also force powers listed that you must prep up to that will allow you to have more preps per post

The Powers 


This immage is a link to the artifacts page, also found on that page is a link to the holocron of the sith, which will give you detailed information on the sith runes, chants and amulets