Control Powers of the Force 

1. Absorb/Dissapate/Repel/Redirect Energy: ((All))
This power is the summation of defending one's self against a Force or non-Force generated energy attack. By Absorbing the energy, you add its power to your own, by Dissapating it you use the Force to redistribute the energy into the living things all around. By Repelling it, you force the energy away from your body in random directions. By Redirecting the energy you can target any particular being or object and send the energy back at it, but usually not with quite as much power as the original attack.

Median Level

2. Accelerate Healing: ((All))
A Force weilder using this power can use the Force to begin healing the wounds the character has sufferred at a much quicker rate of healing than the nornal healing methods. This can be nearly as qucik as Bacta. But it is a constant drain on you, and if you do this in combat, it will leave you seriously drained.

Median Level

3. Blackness: ((Sith, DJ, N))
This power veils a Dark Jedi in a veil of the Dark Side. Unless they are great in the Force themselves, people  cannot see the user, as he or she blends into the surroundings, and anything he does is likely to be over looked.

Advanced Level, 4 Preps Required

4. Control Body Temperature: ((All))
By using this power a Force weilder can raise or lower his own temperature to be able to survive harsh environs better than normal.

Median Level

5. Contort Escape: ((Jedi, Sith, DJ))
Using this power, a member of the above orders can compact his own body, ignoring the pain and hurt of snapping and destroying his own bones, in order to escape when all other options have failed. But this power drains a Jedi immensely, and the Jedi, on gaining escape, is likely to fall instantaneously into a Jedi Healing Trance.

Ultimate Level, 8 Preps Required, -1 Prep for one day IRL

6. Control Disease/Poison ((Jedi, Sith, DJ ))
Using this power, a Jedi, Sith, or Dark Jedi can neutralize the effects of a Disease or Poison through careul meditation.

Advanced Level, 5 Preps Required

7. Control Pain. ((Jedi, Sith, DJ))
Again, using the Force a Jedi can control their pain. But this takes a toll on their overall powers, and after a time, will wear them down. It is also not exclusive. Sometimes the pain will be to great to control, such as the complete loss of a limb or a body part, or extensive over all injuries.

Median Level

8: Hibernation Trance: ((Jedi, Dark Jedi ))
Allows a Jedi or Dark Jedi to slip into a hibernation-like sleep, so that the user does not need to eat or drink for some time, and the rate of breathing is lowered. This allows the user to survive long periods of time alone in an inhospitable environ.

Median Level

9: Instinctive Astrogation Control: ((All))
Using this power, the mightiest Force users are able to calculate the equations for a hyperspace jump in their head.

Ultimate Level, 8 Preps Required.

10. Rage: ((DJ, Sith))
The Dark Side version of Emptiness, when a Dark Sider feels rage, he can allow it free reign, or even try to amplify it, and thus increase his connectivity to the Force, and his power in the Dark Side. This adds one prep to the users attack.

Advanced Level, 6 Preps Required.

12: Remain Conscious: ((Jedi, Sith, DJ))
A Force user who is batterred to a point where he would normally become unconcious can use this power to keep his mind and body conciouss. This also applies to extreme weariness. However, the longer this is used, the more the Jedi grows weakened.

Advanced Level, 6 Preps Required.

13. Remove Fatigue: ((Jedi, Sith, DJ))
A Force user who is excessively tired or weary can use this power to wipe his mind of his fatigue. But remember, sooner or later there will come a time when this power has drained you so much that you cannot keep it up, and you will drop in exhaustion.

Median Level

14. Resist Stun: ((Jedi, Sith, DJ))
A Force user who has a stun blast fired at him can use the Force to resist the effects of the stun blast, but the side effect is that it leaves you sluggish for a few seconds (1or 2 turns).

Median Level

15. Short Term Memory Enhancement: ((Jedi, Sith, DJ))
A Force user who uses this can have an almost perfect copy of what happenned in the environment around him play through his head. This can go back as long as you want within the last several hours, but the farther back you go the more dim and confused the memory becomes.

Median Level

16. Channel Energy: ((Jedi, Sith, DJ))

Ultimate Level 10 preps

Using this power, A Force User can absorb whatever energy touches him, and then redirect or channel that energy out through his body at his foe. However, this only applies to certain amounts of energy, and only energy that physically touches the Jedi. For instance, I would heavily wager that absorbing and redirecting a turbolaser battery blast from a Star Destroyer, while perhaps not impossible, would probably severely injure the Jedi, and this energy cannot then be directed to healing, it must remain energy and be expended in another way. And I assert that NO JEDI or SITH could absorb the blast of the Death Star and survive.

Also, if you are struck by a lightsaber in a mortal wound. You must allow the blade to hit in order to absorb and channel the energy, and if you ARE hit, you take full damage. IE -- If a Jedi is stabbed by a lightsaber, he could absorb/redirect the blades energy in an attack that would fry and destroy the lightsaber, possibly killing the foe, but he would also die. And this only affects a wound that does not kill on contact. For instance, if I behead you, or stab it clean through your heart, vaporizing it, you can't live through that.

Advanced Level, 6 Preps, if a killing blow, 7 Preps Required.

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