Control and Alter Force Powers 

1. Aura of Uneasiness ((DJ, Sith, ))
Using this power, A Dark Sider can make his presence surrounded by an aura of unease. Living things will generally avoid this aura, and it will set Light Siders in a position of unease.

Median Level.

2. Control Breathing ((Jedi, DJ, Sith))
Using this power, a Jedi or Dark Jedi, or Sith Lord can use the Force to control the breathing of themselves or another being.

Median Level.

3. Transfer Force ((Jedi, DJ, Sith))
Using this power, a Jedi can transfer some of his Force Strength, some of his life energy, into another being, and he can project so much that he projects it all, though generally the more you project, the more prep is required. This can revive or ressuscitate them, and in the case of the Dark Side, it can give them limited Dark Side power. But if you transfer all your power, you die, or at the least, fall into a deep coma.

Ultimate Level, 1-10 Prep. 10 Prep = Full Life Transferrence.

4. Feed On Dark Side ((DJ, Sith, ))
Using this power, a Dark Jedi, Sith, or Nightsister can feed on the Dark Side once every battle. It gives them one prep.

Basic Level.

5. Force Lightning ((DJ, Sith))
Using this power, a Dark Sider can corrupt the Force to produce Lightning. This is probably the most common, and one of the most deadly, Dark Side attacks, for it is both immensely powerful, and requires little time for Prep.

Advanced - Ultimate, 3 Prep.

6. Inflict Pain ((DJ, Sith))
Using this power, a Dark Jedi or Sith Lord can inflict pain by merely touching a victim, or by sending Telekinetic Pain to them.

Advanced, 5 Prep.

7. Waves of Darkness ((DJ, Sith))
Using this power, a Dark Sider can send out waves of Dark Power that will dim the light and hope within the hearts of those around.

Median Level.

8. Force Energy Discharges ((DJ, Sith))
With this power, a Force User can gather to himself immense Force power, and dispense it in the Force of a blue energy flare of great power.

Advanced, 2 Prep for weakest up to 8 for strongest

9. Force Push ((ALL))
Using this power, a Force user can use the Force to hurl a telekinetic push against a victim, or number of victims.

Median Level.

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