Control and Sense Powers 

1. Call Animal ((All))
Using this power, a Force User can call and tame a wild beast to his command.

Median Level.

2. Death Sense ((Jedi, DJ, Sith))
Using this power, a Force User can sense the loss of a loved one, or of one close by, or of a mass of people far away.

Median Level.

3. Farseeing ((Jedi, DJ, Sith))
Using this power, A Force User can use the Force to see events and places far away, as though he were there himself.

Advanced Level, 10 Prep.

4. Life Bond ((All))
Using this power, A Force User could attach his soul to that of another, like a wife, or a brother, so that you could instinctively feel any danger or harm that has come to the other, and reach out for each other.

Advanced Level, 8 Prep.

5. Lightsaber Combat ((Jedi, DJ, Sith))
Using this power, a Force User can use the Force to exert the low-level, continuous control over his muscles and reflexes that allow a Jedi to use the massless lightsabre blade at the speeds and with the grace that they use it.

Basic Level

6. Mask Force ((Jedi, DJ, Sith))
Using this power, A Force User can Mask his presence, while in the presence of other Force Users. However, this is not unbeatable, and if someone preps a Force power and detects, say, the air that you are breathing, he can then discover you.

Advanced Level, 6 Prep.

7. Projective Telepathy ((All))
Using this power, a Force User can project images, thoughts, or compulsions into the minds of others.

Advanced Level, 5 Prep.

8. Share Senses ((Jedi, DJ, Sith))
Using this power, A Force User can share their sight, hearing, mental thoughts, touch, smell, or taste with another person. This power works best if you touch the person with whom you share the senses, but it can be done even if you do not.

Advanced Level, 3 Prep.

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