Sense Powers of the Force 

1. Beast Languages ((All))
Using this power, a Force User can communicate with the beasts. He can understand the thoughts of their minds, and even their growls or barks, and through the Force, he can make them understand his words and thoughts.

Median Level

2. Blind Sense ((Jedi, Sith, DJ))
Using this power, a Jedi can use the Force to "see" where he is and where he is going simply by using the Force as an extra set of eyes. Luke used this to fight the practice drone in  A New Hope.

Basic Level

3. Danger Sense ((Jedi, Sith, DJ))
Using this power, a Force user can feel Danger moments before it happens. This is the skill that a) gives the Jedi what is percieved by the public to be such quick reflexes, and b) alerts the trained, advanced Jedi, to danger that is beyond the moment, like the elusive Danger Obi-Wan sensed on the Federation Ship.

Basic Level

4. Hyperspace Tracking ((Jedi, Sith, DJ))
Using this power, a Force User can trace the Force Sense of another being or group of beings through Hyperspace.

Advanced Level, 8 Preps

5. Instinctive Astrogation ((All))
Using this power, a Force User can instinctively navigate the stars, acting as a Nav Computer would, letting the Force guide him in plotting a course, as Kyp and Luke were able to do flying through the Maul.

Advanced Level, 8 Preps.

6. Magnify Senses ((Jedi, Sith, DJ))
Using this power, a Force User can enhance his senses in two ways: He can use the Force to amplify his sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste, Or he can use the Force as a second set of eyes, ears, and fingers, for sensing things far away.

Basic Level

7. Postcognition ((Jedi, DJ))
Using this power, a Jedi can use the Force to trace the past history of an object or person, the ease of this varies, depending in great part by how undisturbed the object has been, or how calm and open to revealing their past the person is.

Median Level

8. Sense Disturbance ((All))
Using this power, any Force user who has had more than just the basics of traing can feel disturbances of the Force. Large disturbances, like the destruction of Alderaan, can be felt across the galaxy, as can the distress of close freinds and relatives, though on a lesser scale. Smaller disturbances, like the loss of a starship or similar sized number of people, are felt locally as opposed to widely.

Median Level

9. Sense Force Potential ((Jedi, DJ, Sith))
Using the Force, a Force User can sense Force potential in another person.

Advanced Level, 4 Preps

10. Sense Spirit ((Jedi, DJ, Sith))
Using this power, the spirit of a dead Force User can be sensed by another Force User or Force Candidate.

Basic if the Spirit latches on to you. Advanced, NO PREP, if not.

11. Translation ((All))
Using this power, a Force user can translate languages, both spoken and written, and communicate with people speaking this language by convincing their minds that what he is saying is their own tounge.

Median Level

12. Long Distance Telepathy ((Jedi, DJ, Sith))
Best seen in the Case of Mara Jade and the Emperor and Exar Kun and Vodo-Siosk Baas, long distance telepathy require that both users reach out mightily with the Force to touch each other's minds. This works best if the two have a close relationship with each other.

Advanced Level, Prep 8, if sender, Basic Level if NOT sender.

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