Alter Powers of the Force 

1. Dark Side Web ((DJ, Sith))
Using this power, a Dark Force user can use the Force to create a "web" of Force energy surrounding the opponent. This entangles the opponent, but the web is not of great strength, and a concerted effort could free the entangled foe.


2. Pyrokinesis ((Sith, Dark Jedi))
With this power a Force user can create fire from the air itself. This fire can be used offensively, or as a light, source of heat, or source of energy.

Advanced, 4 Prep.

3. Raise/Lower Temperature ((Jedi, DJ, Sith))
Using this power, a Force User can raise or lower their own body temperature, as well as the inherent temperature of people, animals, or things within their vicinity.

Median if within self, Advanced, 6 Prep if in other person/thing/object.

4. Strengthen Object ((Jedi, DJ, Sith))
Using this power, a Force User can use the Force to squeeze the molecules of a certain substance, like a wooden rod or a stone, so that the object is as hard and durable as the blade of a lightsaber. But when the Jedi using the Force becomes tired or distracted, the object begins to weaken. It stays solid, but becomes susceptible to lightsabers after a few well-placed blows.

Advanced 5 Prep, should be done before entering combat.

5. Telekinesis ((All))
Using this power, a Force User harness Force/Mental energy and hurl it at foes in the Form of Energy Discharges, or it can affect the movement of mass already in motion. Levitation is a by-product of Telekinesis.

Basic if only lifting objects, if your going to attack with it TK punchs ect 2 prep Median Level

6. Warp Matter ((Jedi, DJ, Sith))
Using this power, A Jedi, Dark Jedi, or a Sith Lord could use the Force to Twist Matter to his specifications. However, this can only be done on a limited scale, and requires enormous amounts of prep.

Ultimate Level, 10 Prep.

7. Instantaneous Healing: ((DJ, Sith))
More an extension of Warp Matter than of any other power, this power allows the user to use the Dark Side to completely and totally shread the basic laws of life and physics, restoring a severely damaged body to full health. However, this power requires ENORMOUS Prep.

Advanced Level, 15 Prep or Completely give one's self to the Dark Side if not already a Dark Sider -- Any level if you give yourself to the Dark Side.

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