Note: Imperial Capital ships are displayed in chronological order of development.

Class: Medium Attack Cruiser
Manufacturer: Rendili StarDrive Systems
Crew: 16,113, 97 gunners, 3000 Stormtroopers.
Length: 600 meters
Speed: 14 mglt
Shield Rating: 2560 SBD
Hull Rating: 1216 RU
Fighter Complement: 1 squadron.
Weapons: 20 turbolasers, 15 lasers.

The Dreadnoughts are among the oldest military vessels currentlys serving in the Imperial navy. Most Dreadnoughts in active service were once part of the Old Republic fleet but have since been pressed into service for the Empire. Because they are outdated most Dreadnoughts are assigned to patrol outer rim territories and to escort supply convoys. Despite being an outdated design they still pack enough firepower to make any adversary think twice before attacking. In addition the single squadron of TIEs it carries provides additional tactical support.

Class: Heavy Cruiser
Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Crew: 4798, 402 gunners, 2040 Stormtroopers.
Length: 900 meters
Speed: 8 mglt
Shield Rating: 3200 SBD
Hull Rating: 1520 RU
Fighter Complement: 2 squadrons.
Weapons: 40 double turbolasers, 10 quad turbolasers, 10 ion cannons.

The Victory Star Destroyers were considered the ultimate weapon when they were developed during the latter years of the Old Republic. When produced they were the largest military vessels in existence and were capable of performing a variety of roles. When Emperor Palpatine rose to power he procured most of the existing Victory Class ships for the fledgling Imperial Navy. The Victory Class ships have tremendous firepower and can easily destroy an entire planet. The 24 TIE starfighters they carry and the AT-ATs allow the Victory class ships to carry out entire missions on their own. Their incredible flexibility and durability has allowed the Victory Class Star Destroyer to remain a staple of the Imperial Navy since its inception.

Class: Heavy Cruiser/Battleship
Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Crew: 37,085, 275 gunners, 9700 Stormtroopers.
Length: 1600 meters
Speed: 10 mglt
Shield Rating: 4800 SBD
Hull Rating: 2272 RU
Fighter Complement: 6 squadrons.
Weapons: 60 turbolasers, 60 ion cannons, 1 warhead launcher, 10 tractor beams.

Designed to replace the aging Victory Class designs, the Imperial Class were created to be an improvement over the older, yet extremely successful design. More than twice as large as the Victory Class Star Destroyers, the Imperial Class ships are the most prominant sign of Imperial strength in all the galaxy. No adversary is a match for the firepower and shear size of these vessels. With a capacity for 72 TIE Starfighters these Star Destroyers can overcome any opponent with swarms of starfighters before engaging an enemy itself. When forced to engage an enemy, the Imperial Star Destroyer's bristling turbolasers and ion cannons will ensure that not a trace of the enemy remains. With the ability to carry an attack force of AT-ATs and thousands of Stormtroopers, the Imperial Star Destroyer has the ability to cease any insurrection at any point in the galaxy with swift, efficient force.

Class: Medium cruiser
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Crew: 2,807, 24 gunners, 1000 Stormtroopers.
Length: 600 meters.
Speed: 8 mglt
Shield Rating: 2880 SBD
Hull Rating: 1056 RU
Fighter Complement: 1 squadron.
Weapons: 18 turbolasers, 26 laser cannons, 1 warhead launcher.

Adapted from the Victory Class Star Destroyer, the Interdictor Cruiser was designed to operate as a smaller, more agile vessel suitable for escort duty, or hit and fade attacks. Perhaps the most significant aspect of this ship's design are the revolutionary gravity well projectors. The gravity wells create an intense gravity field, similar to that experienced near a planet. This gravity field has the effect of rendering all hyperdrives useless. Thus, the primary role of the interdictor has been to work with convoys of larger ships to intercept, trap, and destroy enemy craft. The Interdictor is particularly effective against Rebel fighters who have the capability of fleeing into hyperspace when attacked.

Class: Battleship/command ship
Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Crew: 279,000, 1,590 gunners, 60,000 Stormtroopers.
Length: 8000 meters
Speed: 8 mglt
Shield Rating: 12,689 SBD
Hull Rating: 8,135 RU
Fighter Complement: 12 squadrons.
Wea pons: 250 turbolasers, 90 ion cannons, 8 warhead launchers, 40 tractor beams.

The design and construction of the Super Star Destroyer was overseen by Darth Vader himself. Lord Vader felt that the Empire needed a new symbol of terror and power after the destruction of the first Death Star. The Super Star Destroyer is currently one of the largest production military vessel in existence. Over 8 kms long, the Super Star Destroyer serves as a huge mobile command and control center. The Super Star Destroyers act in large convoys with smaller ships and provide a base from which to oversee and control huge military campaigns. In addition the thousands of turbolaser emplacements and 144 TIEs it carries allow it to easily defend itself should it be attacked.

Class: escort/anti-fighter frigate
Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Crew: 600, 8 gunners, 400 Stormtroopers.
Length: 250 meters.
Speed: 18 mglt
Shield Rating: 1800 SBD
Hull Rating: 1280 RU
Fighter Complement: None.
Weapons: 20 anti-fighter laser batteries, 6 anti-fighter ion cannons, 4 warhead launchers.

After the debacle at the battle of Yavin and other successes the Rebel fighters had against larger vessels, the Imperial Navy requested the development of an anti-fighter vessel. The Lancer Class Frigate was the Navy's answer to the fast and agile Rebel fighters. The Lancer was designed to be a small, extremely fast capital ship which would serve as escort for supply convoys and protect them from Rebel fighter attacks. With 30 anti-fighter laser batteries the Lancer provides extremely concentrated firepower with which to decimate Rebel fighter squadrons. The Lancer also serves to escort larger Star Destroyers and assist them in destroying Rebel starfighters.

Class: Battleship
Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Crew: 300,000
Length: 15,000 meters
Speed: 30 mglt
Shield Rating: 12,560 SBD
Hull Rating: 11,216 RU
Fighter Complement: 40 Fighter Squadrons.
Weapons: 500 Laser Cannons, 500 Turbolaser Batteries, 75 Ion Cannons, 100 Tractor Beam Projectors, 5 Gravity Well Projectors, 1 Axial Superlaser .

Sovreigns are just small versions of Eclipse class vessels. It has fewer weapons, less sheilding and armor, and fewer fighters. Despite all of that, the Sovreign is still a powerful vessel, second only to the Eclipse, these vessels will often work in tandom with the Eclipses, there Axial Superlaser is on the same scale as that of the Eclipses and therefor when it comes down to it they can do just as much damage as there big brother ships can.

Class: Heavy Battleship
Manufacturer: Byss Shipyards
Crew: 700,000 crew, 1200 gunners, 150,000 Stormtroopers
Length: 17,500 meters.
Speed: 8 mglt
Shield Rating: 17,040 SBD
Hull Rating: 12,607 RU
Fighter Complement: 50 squadrons.
Weapons: 550 turbolasers, 500 lasers, 540 ion cannons, 70 warhead launchers, 1 miniature Death Star superlaser.

The Eclipse was designed by the Emperor himself in order to serve as his personal command ship should the worst happen to the Empire. Based on Byss near the galactic core the almost black Eclipse is the single most powerful weapon ever constructed by the Empire since the Death Star. Nearly twice as long as a Super Star Destroyer the Eclipse was not designed mearly to serve as a control center, but its primary purpose is as a battleship with which to take the war to the enemy.

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