Listed here are the starships that are in this role play SO FAR, there will be a picture of each one along with all the technical data weapons, speed, sheild strength, fighters carried ect ect.  You will notice however that the Sovreign and several other ships are missing, this is due to the fact that I cant find a picture of these ships, if you have a picture of the Sovreign, or the New Republic Assault Frigate LET ME KNOW, I want to get those ships added as soon as possible, also the Sith need to find some ship designs and get them to me as well along with there specs while it is commonly known that the Galatic Empire and the Sith Empire use many of the same capital ships, they also have ships unique to there empires, and they need to be listed here.  Also you ship designers and inventors, you are welcome to design and build ships for your relative groups, should you design a ship, please post the stats and (if possible) a picture so they can be added to the list for the respective groups, I immagine space combat will not be a big thing for a long time but it is good to have the ground work established.
Starships of the Galatic Empire and the Sith Empire

Starfighters of the Galactic and the Sith Empire

Capital Ships of the New Republic

Starfighters of the New Republic