Note: Imperial starfighters are displayed in chronological order of development.

Class: Short Range Fighter
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Crew: 1 pilot.
Hyperdrive: No
Speed: 100 MGLT
Shield Rating: 0 SBD
Hull Rating: 9 RU
Weapons: Two medium laser cannons.

The TIE starfighter was the first model of the TIE series. Named for its Twin Ion Engines, the TIE starfighter has become the most widely used fighter in the Imperial Navy. It performs just as well or better than most Rebel starfighters and is incredibly cost efficient. Because it lacks hyperdrive engines, it is a short range fighter and is used mainly in support of capital vessels and installations. Large numbers of these fighters are carried onboard Star Destroyers and in battle they overwhelm their enemies with their huge numbers.

Class: Medium range fighter/interceptor
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Crew: 1 pilot.
Hyperdrive: Yes
Speed: 200+ MGLT (est.)
Shield Rating: 80 SBD
Hull Rating: 25 RU
Weapons: Two medium laser cannons.

The TIE Advanced prototype was ordered by Lord Vader for his personal use. The prototype was the first TIE model ever to have deflector shielding. The engine power was also dramatically increased, giving it far more power than regular production TIEs. With the new shielding and speed, this fighter is more than a match for even the mighty Rebel X-wings.

Class: Short range medium fighter/bomber
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Crew: 1 pilot.
Hyperdrive: No
Speed: 80 mglt
Shield Rating: 0 SBD
Hull Rating: 28 RU
Weapons: Two medium laser cannons. Warhead payload of up to 16 proton torpedoes.

After the success of the TIE Starfighter in military engagements, it was felt that a heavier bomber version of the TIE fighter was needed. The TIE Bomber was created to fill this role. It is an extremely effective weapon, and is primarily used to bomb populations who do not share the Emperor's vision, although it is also effective against Rebel capital ships. Since it is slow, it requires close quarter protection from TIE Starfighters.

Class: Short range fighter/interceptor
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Crew: 1 pilot.
Hyperdrive: No
Speed: 111 MGLT
Shield Rating: 0 SBD
Hull Rating: 16 RU
Weapons: Four medium laser cannons.

Increasing Rebel terrorism and technology prompted the Imperial navy to order a new, and improved TIE starfighter. The Interceptor was the result. When introduced, it was able to out-perform any Rebel craft in the galaxy, and with the quad lasers it possessed the firepower to reduce Rebel ships and bases to smoldering rubble.

Class:Long range heavy assault fighter
Manufacturer: Cygnus Starfighter Systems
Crew: 1 pilot
Hyperdrive: Yes
Speed: 90 mglt
Shield Rating:100 SBD
Hull Rating: 28 RU
Weapons: Two medium laser cannons, two medium ion cannons. Warhead payload of up to 12 proton torpedos.

The Assault Gunboat was the first Imperial fighter carried onboard Star Destroyers to have deflector shielding, and the first production model starfighter to have hyperdrive. The Gunboat was designed to offer support to existing TIE squadrons, and to escort freighter convoys on long missions from Rebel attack. The Gunboat is one of the most durable, and effective weapons in the Imperial arsenal.

Class: Medium range stealth fighter
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Crew: 1 pilot. 1 gunner.
Hyperdrive: Yes
Speed: 100 MGLT
Shield Rating: 20 SBD
Hull Rating: 15 RU
Weapons: Three medium laser cannons.

This development of this fighter was supervised personally by Lord Vader. Modified from the original V-38 fighter, the new V-38 has the distinction of being the only small fighter in the galaxy to have a functional cloaking device. Although no match for most Rebel fighters, the cloaking device allows the V-38 to quietly stalk a potential target, then strike unexpectedly.

Class: Medium range fighter/bomber/interceptor
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Crew: 1 pilot.
Hyperdrive: Yes
Maximum top speed: 133 mglt
Shield Rating: 40 SBD
Hull Rating: 14 RU
Weapons: Four medium laser cannons, warhead payload of up to 16 concussion missiles.

The TIE Advanced is the first production TIE fighter to carry hyperdrive engines, thus allowing it to function without a capital ship. The production model TIE Advanced was based on Darth Vader's earlier prototype, as can be seen by the angled wings and cockpit configuration, and first went into production after the battle of Yavin. The production model has several modifications over the prototype. First, a large segment of wing panel was removed in order to provide better visibility from the cockpit. Also, the amount of armor was reduced, and a more advanced power plant was added to increase the craft's performance. Finally, in order to ensure that the new TIE Advanced possessed an overall advantage over any Rebel craft, two additional laser cannons were added, and all 4 cannons were moved to the wingtips, thus providing a greater field of fire.

Class: Long range fighter/bomber/interceptorr
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Crew: 1 pilot.
Hyperdrive: Yes
Speed: 200+ mglt (est.)
Shield Rating: 80 SBD
Hull Rating: 30 RU
Weapons: Four medium laser cannons, two light ion cannons. Warhead payload of up to 16 proton torpedos.

The TIE Defender incorporates the best points of every previous TIE model. Currently, it is the fastest starfighter in the galaxy as well as the most heavily armed. The design of the TIE Defender allows it to perform as a fighter, bomber and interceptor all in one. Unlike previous TIE designs which were built to be expendable fighters, the TIE Defender is very costly and time consuming to build and requires a lot of maintenance. For this reason, only a few squadrons have been created, which are piloted by only the best TIE pilots in the Empire.

Class: Medium range heavy assault fighter.
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Crew: 1 pilot.
Hyperdrive: Yes
Maximum top speed: 140 mglt
Weapons: 1 medium laser, quad warhead launchers with a total capacity of 80 concussion missiles.

The Missile Boat is the pinnacle of Imperial starfighter design. It was originally designed by Grand Admiral Thrawn to counter the threat of the TIE Defenders stolen by the rogue Admiral Zaarin. The massive warhead capacity allows one fighter to single handedly destroy an entire squadron, or even a large capital vessel. The SLAM system allows unused laser energy to be diverted to shields and engines, increasing performance.

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