in chronological order of development.

Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corp.
Crew: 8 crew, 43 troops, 10 passengers (standard config).
Length: 150 meters
Speed: 16 mglt
Fighter Complement: None
Weapons: 6 turbolaser batteries.
Shield Rating: 400 SBD
Hull Rating: 188 RU
The Corellian Corvette is one of the oldest ships still in use by the Alliance. Based on old Republic models, they have been since modified and upgraded for use as couriers and escort craft. Although not large enough to fend off any Imperial ships, they are quite effective at protecting convoys from fighter attacks and raiders. When used in numbers, they can easily overpower and surround a larger ship due to their speed and relative maneuverability.

Class: Escort Frigate
Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Crew: 920 crew, and up to 340 troops.
Length: 400 meters
Speed: 12 mglt
Shield Rating: 2560 SBD
Hull Rating: 1520 RU
Fighter Complement: 2 squadrons
Weapons: 12 turbolasers, 12 laser cannons, 1 warhead launcher.

When designed the Nebulon-B was one of the most powerful mid-size vessels in the galaxy. Their awkward appearance belies their thick armor and concentrated firepower. 18 turbolaser batteries vaporize any smaller ships and do a great deal of damage to larger capital vessels. In addition, the two fighter squadrons normally carried provide additional firepower. The Nebulon-B frigates were once the vessel of choice for protecting Imperial convoys. Since that time they have been gradually phased out in favour of the newer and faster Lancer class vessels. Apparently some of the crews on board these ships have turned traitor and defected to the Alliance taking their Nebulon-Bs with them. The New Republic has made good use of these mid-sized capital ships. Several have even been modified to serve as medical frigates. Their heavy armament and defenses make them ideally suited for the task of protecting and transporting the wounded.

Class: Light Cruiser
Manufacturer: Mon Calamari Shipyards
Crew: 5,156 crew, 213 gunners, 670 troops.
Length: 1,200 meters
Speed: 13 mglt
Shield Rating: 3000 SBD
Hull Rating: 2050 RU
Fighter Complement: 3 squadrons
Weapons: 29 turbolasers, 36 ion cannons, 2 warhead launcher, 6 tractor beams.

The Mon Calamari Light cruiser represents the first contribution of the Mon Calamari to the fleets of the Rebel Alliance. These ships were once huge spaceliners, among the finest in the galacy. After Mon Calamari was taken over and occupied by Rebel forces the Mon Calamari quickly converted all of their old starliners into warships. Since then these cruisers have become the backbone of the New Republic fleet. Even though they were once passenger liners, the New Republic has turned them into impressive and intimidating warships. The 28 turbolasers they carry and 3 squadrons of fighters certainly would make smaller vessels think twice before attacking. The converted Mon Calamari cruisers gave the Rebels something they had previously lacked, large capital warships.

Class: Heavy Attack Cruiser
Manufacturer: Mon Calamari Shipyards
Crew: 5,402 crew, 200 gunners, 1,200 troops.
Length: 1,200 meters.
Speed: 10 mglt
Shield Rating: 3840 SBD
Hull Rating:2128 RU
Fighter Complement: 4 sqaudrons.
Weapons: 48 turbolasers, 20 ion cannons, 6 warhead launchers.

By far, the MC-80 class cruisers represent the largest threat the New Republic has ever created to the Imperial Navy. The New Republic, and their aquatic, friends the Mon Calamari have constructed these powerful warships. Nearly the size of a Star Destroyer they are heavily shielded, armed and even carry 4 squadrons of starfighters. The MC-80 is also among the fastest of all capital ships and is capable of outrunning even a Star Destroyer. It is currently unknown how many of these behemoths the Rebels have manufactured. To date, a total of 11 such vessels have been seen in battle, but it would appear that the Rebels are conserving these ships for some sort of massive operation. Despite their size and power they are still no match for the dreaded Imperial Navy.

Class: Battleship/Command ship
Manufacturer: Mon Calamari Shipyards
Crew: 12,402 crew, 341 gunners, 4,500 troops.
Length: 3,100 meters.
Speed: 8 mglt
Shield Rating: 6300 SBD
Hull Rating: 3157 RU
Fighter Complement: 10 squadrons
Weapons: 74 turbolasers, 38 ion cannons, 8 warhead launchers.

This mammoth vessel is the largest warship in the New Republic fleet. At over 3 km in length, it is many times more massive than even the huge Mon Calamari cruisers. Home 1 serves as a mobile command base for the New Republic, and forms the nucleus of the growing New Republic fleet. With its large number of turbolasers and 10 fighter squadrons, Home 1 is the only ship in the New Republic fleet that could go one on one with an Imperial Star Destroyer and win. Fortunately for Imperial Commanders, Home 1 would be virtually impossible for the New Republic to replace if lost in combat, thus the New Republic prudently keep the location of this ship a secret and Home 1 rarely ever engages Imperial ships in combat.

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