Note: Starfighters are displayed in chronological order of development.

Koensayr Y-Wing

Technical Readout
Class: medium fighter/bomber
Manufacturer: Koensayr Starfighter Inc.
Crew: 1 pilot + 1 navigator, 1 astromech droid.
Hyperdrive: Yes
Length: 25 meters.
Speed: 80 MGLT
Shield Rating: 75 STB
Hull Rating: 40 RU
Weapons: Two medium laser cannons, two light ion cannons. Warhead payload of up to 8 proton torpedoes.

The oldest fighter used by the New Republic, the Y-wing is now outdated. Slow, underpowered and underarmed against newer starfighters, these ships are being fased out of service. Once the Y-wing was a favorite vessel of the Jedi Knights during the days of the old Republic. Mass produced for decades, the Y-wing was an ideal choice for the Rebellion. It was very inexpensive to buy and there were always ample parts. The famed durability of this craft made it perfectly suited for use with Rebel bases on Yavin IV and Hoth.

Class: Space superiority starfighter
Manufacturer: Incom Starfighter systems.
Crew: 1 pilot, 1 astromech droid.
Hyperdrive: Yes
Length: 15 meters.
Speed: 100 MGLT
Shield Rating: 50 STB
Hull Rating: 20 RU
Weapons: Quad medium laser cannons. Warhead payload of up to 6 proton torpedos.

The X-wing fighter is the mainstay of the New Republic due to its speed, durability and firepower. The X-wing was purchased by the Rebel Alliance to counter the Imperial TIE threat, and to provide escort to the slower Y-wings in combat. Its maneuverability and weapons configuration have made it a favorite with Rebel Alliance fighter pilots, and will stand as a mainstay of the New Republic for years to come.

Class: Fighter/Interceptor
Manufacturer: Dodonna-Blissex
Crew: 1 pilot.
Hyperdrive: Yes.
Length: 10 meters.
Speed:120 mglt
Shield Rating: 50 STB
Hull Rating: 14 RU
Weapons: Two light laser cannons. Warhead payload of up to 12 concussion missiles.

The A-wing was the Rebellion's attempt to create a starfighter which could out-perform even the TIE Interceptor fighter. At the time of its construction, the A-wing fighter was the fastest in existence and was used primary in an escort/support role to heavier fighters like the X and Y-wings. Although it can out-perform most TIEs, it exchanges its weaponry for that speed.

Class: Fighter/Heavy Bomberr
Manufacturer: Slayn and Korpil
Crew: 1 pilot.
Hyperdrive: Yes.
Length: Variable.
Speed: 90 MGLT
Shield Rating: 150 STB
Hull Rating: 80 RU
Weapons: Three medium laser cannons, three medium ion cannons. Warhead payload of up to 16 proton torpedos.

After the escape from Hoth, the Rebels unleashed a new weapon that has plagued the Imperial navy ever since. With the help of the Mon Calimari, and the Verpine, the Rebel Alliance constructed a new heavy bomber to replace the aging Y-wing fighter. The new B-wing fighter is triple shielded and carries armor that is strong enough to be used on an assualt transport. These incredibly powerful, and durable starfighters will likely pose an extreme hazard to Imperial capital ships for some time to come.

Class: Space Superiority Starfighter
Manufacturer: FreiTek, Inc.
Crew: 1 pilot.
Hyperdrive: Yes.
Length: 15 meters.
Shield Rating: 80 STB
Hull Rating: 40 RU
Speed: 150 mglt (est.)
Weapons: Three medium laser cannons. Warhead payload of up to 16 proton torpedoes.

The E-wing starfighter, is a starfighter similar to the X-wing in performance except for greater speed. The greater speed will allow this fighter to match TIE Advanced and TIE Defender starfighters in speed.

Class: Fighter/Heavy Bomberr
Manufacturer: Koensayr Starfighter Inc.
Crew: 1 pilot + 1 navigator.
Hyperdrive: Yes.
Length: 20 meters.
Speed: 110 MGLT
Shield Rating: 90 STB
Hull Rating: 60 RU
Weapons: Two heavy laser cannons. Two medium ion cannons. Warhead payload of up to 20 proton torpedoes.

Like the E-wing, the Rebel K-wing fighter is now in full production. This is a smaller, faster heavy bomber than the B-wing fighter/bomber, with a heavier payload. Unlike the B-wing however, this new starfighter is not nearly as heavily armored and shielded. But it is still a formidable opponent in battle. A squadron of these ships could easily damage or destroy even one of our mighty Star Destroyers.

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