Control, Sense, and Alter Powers 

1. Control Mind ((Jedi, DJ, Sith))
Using this power, a Force User can take control of another person's mind. A Dark Jedi can use this power to the extremes of RE-writing the mind of a subject.

Basic if useing the "Jedi Mind Trick"  Advanced 6 Prep if rewriting the mind of someone this however is only available to Dark Jedi and Sith

2. Control Weather ((Dark Jedi, Sith))
This is the most awesome display of Force Power. Using this power, A Force User can take command of the weather, and shape it into a powerful, overwhelming storm to attack their enemies.  A Jedi will use the power to disapate the storms to save lives.

Ultimate Level, 8 Prep for weakest Storms, on up.

3. Drain Life Essence ((DJ, Sith))
Using this power, a Dark Sider can use the Force to attempt draining the life essence from a foe. This power requires IMMENSE prep, and can be easily blocked by the opponent posting something along the lines of "Maintains his control over himself." So the power is really not worth much.

Ultimate Level, 12 Prep.

4. Enhanced Coordination ((All))
Using this power, a Force User can enhance his own co-ordination, making his attacks much more graceful and fluid.

Basic Level.

5. Greater Force Shield ((Jedi, DJ, Sith)
Using this extremely powerful use of the Force, a Jedi can create a Telekinetic Sheild around himself that can stop nearly any single attack, including projectile weaponry, but the power can only be used once before it must be prepped again.

Advanced, 6 Prep.

6. Memory Wipe ((DJ, Sith))
Using this power, a Force User can wipe the mind of another being. Part, or all of the mind, it does not matter.

Advanced Level, 4 Prep.

7. Transmutation ((DJ, Sith))
Using this power, a Dark Jedi or a Sith Lord can, with enormous amounts of meditation and preparation, transmutate another thing/person into a shape that pleases them, tho more often or not, transmutating a person will kill them. This power cannot be used during battle, considering the amount of meditation, prep, and concentration it requires.

Ultimate Level, 20 Prep.

8. Levitation ((ALL))
Using this power, a Force User can levitate both himself and other people/objects. Those Force Users with enough Control (ie Masters and Dark Lords) can even use the things they levitate as weapons.

Median to lift, Advanced, 2 Prep to use as weapons, depending on size. 10 Preps for an AT-AT.

9. Transfer Essence ((Jedi, DJ, Sith))
Using this power, a Force user can transfer his mind and essence into the body of another being, and though there is often the chance that Force Powers CAN be lost during the transferrence, some people can transfer without loss of Force Strength.

Ultimate Level, 10 Prep.

10. Force Blocking ((Jedi, DJ, Sith))
Using the Force, it is possible, though extremely difficult, to remove the Force's powers from one who has them. This requires immense amounts of prep, however, so don't take it too lightly.

Advanced Level, 12 Prep.

11. Dark Temptations of Power ((DJ, Sith))
This power can be used by Dark Siders to persuade others to anger, to fear, and to the Dark Side.

Advanced Level, 8 Prep.

12. Dark Banishment ((DJ, Sith))
This power can be used to drive another's spirit from their body. However, it requires the participation of one other Sith Lord, and can only be used if the opponent has 0-2 preps.

Ultimate Level from one participant, 10 Preps each for 2 Participants, total = 20.

13. Illusions ((DJ, Sith, Jedi))
This power can be used to fool an enemy into thinking that things are not as they really are. However, a Jedi who focuses on the Force can see through this, and Dark Sider's whose rage is overwhelming can also see through this.

Advanced Level, 4 Prep.

14. Rage of the Dark Side ((DJ, Sith))
This is much like the Jedi power of becoming at one with the Force, save that it provides only one more prep for defense, and it provides two extra for offense. However, this can only be used ONE TIME before the anger Rage begins to fade, and then it has to be prepped all over again.

Advanced Level, 10 Preps.

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